UMAP IT Installation Procedure

Need to uninstall / clean install?
If you need to completely uninstall UMAP IT, or prepare for a clean install, click the button below:
Uninstall UMAP IT
Before you start
Please note that UMAP IT will not run on Word for Mac. One workaround is to install Parallels which will allow you to run Windows inside of MacOS. Extra costs may apply.

Macros won’t run?

Some corporate security policies will prevent files downloaded from the Internet to run macros. If you double-click on UMAP IT and Word opens but you don’t see the installation instructions:

  • Find the UMAP IT file you downloaded.
  • Right-click on the file to open the document properties.
  • On the General tab, check the Unblock box to allow macros to run.

Then try the install procedure again starting at Step 2.

The installation procedure

To install UMAP IT, you will need to perform three steps:

  1. Download UMAP IT
  2. Install UMAP IT
  3. Register UMAP IT

Follow the instructions below to complete the steps.

Step 1: Download UMAP IT

Organizations have security measures that allow or disallow downloads from different sources. Please ensure you enable Macros when prompted.

UMAP IT is now downloaded to your Downloads folder.
Step 2: Install UMAP IT

To install UMAP IT:

  1. If Microsoft Word is open, save your work and close it.
  2. Find the file you just downloaded.
  3. Double-click on it. This will start Microsoft Word and open UMAP IT.
  4. You may be prompted to enable editing. If you are, allow editing.
  5. You may also be warned that the file contains macros. Allow macros.
  6. Follow the instructions to install UMAP IT.

When the installation process is complete, Word will close.

Step 3: Register UMAP IT

To register UMAP IT:

  1. Start Microsoft Word.
  2. If Word does not start up with a new, blank document, create one.
  3. Follow the instructions to register UMAP IT and create your initial settings (you can always change them later).

UMAP IT is now registered and ready to be used.


If you find this error during installation, your Internet firewalls are preventing access to our license server. Ask your IT team to check our technical information page to see what we need for UMAP IT to work.

Uninstall / Clean Install

To completely uninstall UMAP IT, or to prepare for a clean install if you were running an old version:

  1. Close Word
  2. Download the Uninstall UMAP IT document below
  3. Find the file you just downloaded and double-click to open it.
  4. Enable macros
  5. Follow the instructions to uninstall UMAP IT.

If you then need to install the latest version of UMAP IT, go back to the top of this page and follow the installation instructions.

Click here to download the Uninstall document
Contact us at:
Usability Mapping Inc
17 Tuscany Court  NW
Calgary AB T3L 2Y7
CAT-i Australia Pty Ltd
401/26 Charles Street
South Perth, WA
Copyright Communications and Training international (CAT-i)
Usability Mapping, PQA and UMAP IT are copyrighted and registered trademarks