Together we are better
Usability Mapping Inc has zero tolerance for prejudice towards any culture, spiritual or sexual orientation. It is who we are!
How often do you read all the fine print in a contract? And how often have you given up trying to follow instructions that just don’t make sense? Or placed yourself in danger because warnings were buried?
Unfortunately, we all know these situations only all too well. When we’re faced with a document that’s supposed to help us, we struggle to find the information we need. We misunderstand or misinterpret what’s there. And we either give up using the document—or we do the wrong stuff.
If it’s an insurance policy, you’re in for a nasty surprise at a time when you need it most. But if you’re working with something dangerous, your safety has been compromised.
How can intelligent, motivated and highly trained professionals still make mistakes that can kill people? That’s the question that drove 30+ years of research into how we use documents to do our work, and how our abilities affect our understanding, especially under pressure. We learnt that users need something very different. What reads well doesn’t necessarily work well. That if we reduce comprehension errors people will make fewer mistakes. And when we make fewer mistakes, there are fewer nasty surprises. And fewer accidents and injuries.
Above all, we learnt that the laws of nature will always trump opinions about what “good” documents should look like.
Today, we train people how to produce Usability Mapping-compliant documents and provide services to help organizations get there faster. Our training programs consistently rate as some of the best our participants have ever attended.
Our flagship Usability Mapping Foundation Course teaches the scientific principles underlying Usability Mapping and equip participants with the skills they need to create more usable, safer documents. Our Usability Mapping Masterclass takes your Foundation Course skills to, dare we say it, master level.
And our document services, with our team of highly trained and experienced Document Engineers, can help you process large volumes of documents and make sure critical documents are produced to the highest standards.